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    Phántom Wállet | Besť Ćrypto Wállet

    Yes, cryptocurrencies went from worthless digital currencies to the most valuable digital assets of all time. But as soon as their expendable value began skyrocketing, the crypto Wâllets were high on demand and that’s when we came across Phântom Wâllet among others.

    Also, we hope you know that there are multiple blockchain networks that people choose from and the Wâllet we’ll be discussing here can only function on the Solana blockchain, which is the only reason why it is also known as the Solana Wâllet, despite its name.

    To enhance crypto security it allows hardware Wâllet connections and rewards users for staking SOL (the in-house token). You can find and access every SOL-based crypto, NFTS and more on Solana. Reading through the read below, you’ll know the steps to install the Wâllet extension, the sign-up guide, and details on the “Swap” feature.


    Acquiring the Wâllet extension to safeguard crypto


    So, as we just told you at the end of the introductory part, this part of the read contains the steps to get or download the Phântom Wâllet extension on your web browsers so that you can protect your crypto funds on the Solana network:

    From a browser, get to the Wâllet service website.

    On the webpage, spot and go on with “Download”.

    From the window menu, find and hit “Add to browser”.

    Follow through with each of the on-screen instructions.


    Signing up for a Wâllet account of your own on Phántom


    Here are the steps you’d have to undergo to help you with creating your account on the Phántom Wâllet service so that you have a fully-functioning Wâllet account:

    See to it that the installation is successful.

    Get into the plug-in and “Create New Wâllet”.

    Give the account a strong password and save it.

    Post-hitting “Continue”, wait to get the seed phrase.

    Save it and go with “OK, I saved it somewhere else”.

    Follow through with the rest of the prompts.

    Confirm concluding with “Finish Wâllet Setup”.

    Note: To avoid any cyber threat, users are recommended to save the seed phrase onto an offline location.


    Glimpse through the Phántom Wâllet Swap feature


    The major services that this exclusive Wâllet offers to its users are buying crypto, collecting NFTs, sending and receiving crypto, storing funds and even swapping them. But all of these operations or tasks can be undertaken on the Solana blockchain network.


    Now, to tell you about the swap feature- well, it requires a collection of liquidity, which is known as a pool. These are used to help crypto fanatics swap their crypto funds and utilize or optimize all the existing crypto resources. On Phântom Wâllet, you can just choose a crypto pair and make the swap.




    The short and detailed read above has been carefully crafted to help you with exclusive information on the efficiently designed Solana-based Wâllet service that has gained appreciation under the name of Phântom Wâllet. Reading through the data piece above, you got an idea of how you become a part of the Wâllet service and learned about one of its excellent features